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Our World in COVID-19

Today and for the past many months, we are surviving the most intriguing and critical phase humankind has ever experienced. People who are going to work are contributing to their family and balancing themselves on a thin rope; one wrong step and, you may never breathe again.  This catastrophic phase has brought many people back to their ground who were once enjoying the privileges of richness and lavish lifestyle. But, the ones who were standing firmly on their feet turned out to be living on their knees. The whole human population got affected due to this hazardous sickness. It was not easy for any nation to create the vaccine, but cooperation among countries and health organizations provided more knowledge about the disease to people living around the world. Many countries are implementing procedures and measures to prevent the spreading of the disease. But the survival of every person is getting affected every day.  The faithful warriors are going out to work and making sur...

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